Attune to the Moon

An Energy Check- In with Cosmic & Cultural Perspective for Navigating Your Personal Purpose

The intensity of what’s happening in the world is showing up in our bodies.

On top of the many palpable ways the dance of the moon, earth and sun affect us. Physically, emotionally and spritually.⁠

But it’s so easy to get focused on the details that we miss the connection.

We personalize experiences that aren’t and blame ourselves for things that are actually a collective experience.

We are touched by the moon, sun, and planets.

We are not separate from nature and when we understand the influence of these cosmic forces it's easier to find our way.

We are also shaped by the culture and society we live in. We all carry ancestral trauma that asks for our acknowledgment so we can heal and step into our calling as agents of change.

When we have context for what we’re experiencing we gain perspective-

unexplainable emotions start to make sense and an inability to get things done stops being personal.

No, you’re not crazy. Yes, you are part of the whole. It’s not possible to not be affected.

Our indigenous ancestors were attuned to the rest of nature.

They observed the effects of the movement of these forces and created systems to mark and track the cycles of these movements.

Knowing when to expect certain influences made it not only easier to successfully treat illness and build health but made the many daily tasks of living more easeful.

Yes, these times are hard- AND we were made for these times*

*thank you Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés


This is your time--to heal and fulfill the purpose you are here for.

Because the intensity of these times actually accelerates our healing and alignment with who we truly are IF we recognize that this is what is happening and this is what we were made for. 

As awakening souls, we are here to be pillars--supporting the new world that is emerging as the old falls away. 

AND we all need reminders that we are part of this larger unfolding--and support navigating the big waves.

Nature shows us the way

Tracking how we're feeling throughout the current month and season can give us valuable knowledge we can use to plan for times we regularly are feeling strong, stable and creative AND allow us to understand and support ourselves when we're not.⁠

Here’s how to do it:

  • Download and print your free Cycle Tracker below

  • Track how you're feeling in the different categories listed and mark the day using the color legend provided (or use your own!)

  • Repeat next month (every new moon you can download the tracker for the month) and begin to observe the correlations of how you're feeling mentally, emotionally and physically on the respective days that corespond with the elements of the signs the moon is moving through

When you track your personal cycles you see how your own energy responds to the ebb and flow of the days of the month and the seasons of the year.

You can plan and align your days in a way that is most powerful for you.

It helps you tap into the energies of each season to know how to navigate your creative process in alignment with the natural forces.

You will begin to attune your body's cycles to the rhythms of nature and have a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos, bringing the most potent and powerful energy possible to what you wish to create in your life.

I’m Ro Marlen

Since 1997 I’ve been helping people create healing, stability and vitality in their lives.

I spent my childhood talking to ants, trees, fairies and dead people. After a near fatal car crash in my late twenties, the crushed bones in my hand healed overnight. It was beautiful and it was awful.

I spent the next decade unraveling why and how that healing happened. I started sharing what I’d discovered and learning more as I did so. At that time I was one of the only “miracle healers” I knew of.

Over the course of 30 years, I’ve studied with dozens of respected curanderos, wisdom keepers, experts, scholars and teachers but most of what I’ve learned came from my own lived experiences of working with my ancestors, the spirits of the land, the seasons and cycles and one-on-one with clients and people in my workshops, seeing what worked and what did not.

Wisdom Teacher & Embodied Healing Mentor
I hold space for stability, healing and expansion.
I help awakening souls return to their true nature, heal and expand into who they were always meant to be…without bypassing or dogma.

My Bi- Weekly Attune to the Moon Mails
are a reminder and an invitation

  • I write them to remind you that you ARE Nature, and the cycles and seasons of the earth and cosmos have a tangible effect on your body/mind. No, you’re not imagining it - what you’re feeling is real and valid.

  • I write them as medicine for the anxiety and overwhelm that comes from living in a world that encourages and praises somatic bypassing. 

  • I write them as an antidote to the self blame that comes with living in a culture that considers health a virtue and sees struggle as inadequacy.

  • I write them to invite and encourage you to stand in the truth of what is and keep choosing what you love.

  • I write them to nourish and sustain you and all of us.

Follow me through the cycles and seasons on Instagram for daily inspiration